North Georgia Mountain Property
North Georgia Mountain Real Estate Blue Ridge Georgia Real Estate

Nancy MacLean Qualifications

My Education:

I was the third of seven children born and raised in the “Watershed Areas” of the Delaware Water Gap in Northern New Jersey. I graduated West Milford High School and then received a 4 full year scholarship to Montclair State College in Upper Montclair, NJ. I graduated Cum Laude with a Degree in Sociology and Communications.

The focus of my studies concentrated on Advertising and Marketing in their relationship to the Study of Sociology. Montclair is only about 45 min. from Manhattan was a very culturally enriched environment to study.

Joining the Work Force:

After Graduation, I traveled through out the United States to see the country before settling down to a life of “working for a living“. I decided that the Tampa area (Gulf Coast) was booming... and there with friends already there to “mooch” from ....I got a position as a Public Relations Director for a small firm. The hours were long and the pay too low. All Glamour...No Guts.

I partnered with my husband (one of the folks I “mooched” from in Florida but never actually met back home) in a small construction business...affording us the time with our children ...only self-employed people get to enjoy. Women in construction were not very popular back in those days but being 6’ tall and strong as a ox...I soon gained the respect of my peers. I actually enjoyed the physical activity, time with my husband and freedom to be “there” in caring for my children without the threat of losing my job.

My construction experiences continued when I managed an office for a large builder...handling responsibility for drawing blue prints, estimating costs, determining energy factors and managing 3 construction superintendents....we closed about 10 homes a month. The Gulf Coast had a tremendous housing boom and the volume of work was enormous.

Relocating to Blue Ridge, GA:

After relocating to Blue Ridge, I continued to work in construction. My husband and I purchased a lot and built our first speculation home doing everything from clearing the lot to the hanging of the drywall. One house turned into another house and then still another.

My husband had been encouraging me for years to get a license in Real Estate to help sell our own properties. I thought it might be a good idea to give my old bones a rest as well.

In August of 1999.... I started my career with Coldwell Banker.

After 4 years of managing a successful real estate career along with the help of my family.....I earned a Broker's License and a Partnership with another highly successful agent in the area. Under Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate ... and with our commitment to family, business, service and success, we intend to reach our goals of becoming the best Agency in the North Georgia Mountains offering a complete line of services from Cabin Rentals through Financing and Closing specializing in superior service.


My Favorites

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On Line, on the Phone or in Person, 
Nancy MacLean
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers,

"Trust the Experience"

Nancy MacLean, Associate Broker
Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate Metro Brokers 
2460 East 1st Street, Ste B3
Blue Ridge, GA 30513

(706) 633-9671

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